Treatment Options for Ingrown Toenails: From Conservative Measures to Surgery

Whether you have minor foot problems such as nail issues or larger ones like sprained ankles, the team at Hampton Roads Foot and Ankle Specialists Dr. Sara Bouraee, Dr. Jon Houseworth, Dr. Sun Byun, Dr. Daria Piotrowksi, and Dr. Shruti Vyas is available to assist you.

When you have ingrown toenails in Williamsburg, and Hampton, VA, it may be a temporary inconvenience for some people or a danger to foot health for others, especially diabetics. If you're unsure how to deal with your particular toenail issue, our team can help you with conservative home methods or prepare you for surgery.


Ingrown toenails may show up in redness or soreness because of the toenail cutting into the skin. It may swell in the area, especially when you touch it. When it becomes infected, it may develop pus, which can either ooze out or develop into an abscess. It may become difficult for you to wear your normal shoes or run when the toe has reached a higher level of infection. If you're unsure how to handle it, come into the Hampton Road Foot and Ankle Specialist office, so your local podiatrist can check it out.

An Easy Approach to Care

If your toenail is still manageable, your podiatrist may recommend home remedies such as soaking in Epsom salt. Epsom salt is highly effective at reducing inflammation and pain. You may adjust the type of shoes you wear, as constructive shoes, especially pointy-toed heels, can apply pressure on the toe, causing the nail to dig into the skin. Going forward, make sure you only clip your nails in a straight line, and not a round one or too short.

Surgical Options 

Surgery may be an option if the nail has become so infected that it's hard for you to carry out normal tasks. If the toe is constantly throbbing, even when you don't touch it, and oozes pus and blood, even after using other home remedies, it's time for a surgical approach. Surgical options may include removing part or all of the affected toenails. The nail will eventually grow back, and you can be mindful of avoiding ingrown toenails again by wearing proper shoes and clipping methods. If the infection is extreme, the podiatrist may have to remove the toenail bed, in addition to the nail.

Ingrown toenails in Williamsburg, and Hampton, VA, can be extremely painful to live with. However, there is help at Hampton Roads Foot and Ankle Specialists. The team of Dr. Sara Bouraee, Dr. Jon Houseworth, Dr. Sun Byun, Dr. Daria Piotrowksi, and Dr. Shruti Vyas will guide you through home remedies but is ready for surgery when needed. You can reach them in Williamsburg, VA, by calling (757) 220-3311, or in Hampton, VA, by calling (757) 224-7605, so call today. 

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